
who am i indubitably?

hello! I am jacksn. this site is a still a bit of a work in progress as you may see.

I read about decentralizing the internet and social media and blahblahblah and figured it'd be fun to make a site and build community :D


  • knitting! (and crochet occasionally)
  • catsss. i have two to be added in the future
  • space and junk :D. (on the astrology aspect i'm a taurus hehe)
  • also the combo of cats + space to make some fun art. which can be seen throughout the site on occasion
  • languages. I love learning languages. I've studied quite a few but can really only say i'm fluent in Korean and English.
  • more things i can't think of !


Update 4

I'm starting to realize I should have all these updates be a thing on the side of the screen haha. or at least get a scrollbar..

also my computer screen just died out of nowhere so i'm editing this on another device which is kinda annoying bc i can't use the ide i was using...oh well. I'm grateful I will be able to get it fixed soon

anyhoo, i added a lil bio at the top of the screen here above all the updates. and these updates are mainly for me to see my progress throughout the site and have some sort of documentation haha.


found a super fun site to make a lil gif pet

check them out here:

Another Quick Update

I've got the baseline done for the creations and blog areas, so the final thing is having the landing page for the consumptionconsortium. Once that's done, the framework for the site will be just about finished! There are a few more things I'd like to add as well, like

  • sitemap
  • join a webring? i'm trying to find a nice crafting one hopefully :D
  • add a to-do list
  • start getting the art all together...homestead?
  • make more buttons! I like this one but it needs a little be more work i think
Anyhoo we will see! I've also got to be careful I don't burn myself out spending so much time coding and junk.

Update 3

this is a mini-update

I forgot to mention a few things!

  1. I've started using Visual Studio to code instead of the Neocities built-in system, and it is AMAZING. I definitely reccomend it.

  2. I'm trying to update the CSS for the comment section to have nice colors but it is... difficult haha. And i've been working at this for a hot second and should probs take a break lol.

  3. Finally, I've added a few posts to my creations. Check it out using the link on the left sidebar or you can find it here!

That is all for today... I need S L E E P...

Update 2:

Hello! I've recently updated the site a bit. Quite a leap from the last iteration. I've learned quite a bit so far! This process has been so fun and a great new creative outlet...not that I need another, haha.

Anyhoo, some of the updates so far are:

  • New Pages!

    On the right side of the screen (desktop) there's a few links to the newest pages I've made so far. I've got a blog, crafts, and media review pages made :D. If you're interested, check those out. There's bound to be some with stuff on those pages overlap, but I'm thinking of doing some overlap sort of things with iFrames. in the future...

    I'm trying to find a good assortment of buttons to add here that sums to a long list of of various things that is basically things i like :D. I've got one original button: , and plan to make more probs too.
    However, I'm looking for an American Indian button if anyone stumbles across this and happens to have one plz lmk haha. specifically Ojibwe or Aanishinaabe, but smth smth beggars and choosers smth smth.
  • Stylized Comments...ish

    A big ty to crafting-entropy for providing a link to a great comment widget Currently it's on the default dark theme, and I may eventually change the look, but I think it's rly cute as it we'll see...

That's about it for today! More updates to come!

Update 1

Hello! This is still quite the work in progress

My name is jacks_n and I'm curating this page to connect with people, have fun life updates, and post whatever is floating my boat at the moment

Eventually, I'm looking to add different pages and such, but that is quite a lot of work!

In the meantime, please check out my knitting-focused site which is much more fleshed out than this here page

Ultimately, I'd like to have a fun interactive little homestead-like theme :D