who am i indubitably?
hello! I am jacksn. this site is a still a bit of a work in progress as you may see.
I read about decentralizing the internet and social media and blahblahblah and figured it'd be fun to make a site and build community :D
- knitting! (and crochet occasionally)
- currently a proud owner of an singer mod 700 knitting machine
- catsss. i have two cuties...pictures to be added in the future
- space and junk :D. (on the astrology aspect i'm a taurus hehe)
- also the combo of cats + space to make some fun art. which can be seen throughout the site on occasion
- languages. I love learning languages. I've studied quite a few but can really only say i'm fluent in Korean and English.
- more things i can't think of !