Deployment Sweater

F i n a l l y. I have finished my first handknit sweater. This piece took more than a year of off-and-on knitting. This pattern may be familiar to you, as it is one of the top patterns on Ravelry. It's the Anker's My Boyfriend's Size Sweater. Here's the yarn I used. I'm so proud of this finished piece :D. (Although the name of the pattern makes me feel...perturbed...) I called this my "deployment sweater", as I worked on it each time was overseas the last few years. Thankfully that's over. Same with the sweater. It's a bit of a symbol of a finished period of my life. Very nice...

This is what it looked like while it was being blocked. The room I was working in was v e r y humid, so it took a long time to dry lol.